Bathtub drain without overflow
Bathtub drain without overflow

bathtub drain without overflow

The majority of drains are much larger on the drain flange, which is the upper part of the drain that sits in your sink, thus, this part will not fit through the hole and instead will cover it, which is what a drain is supposed to do. A common secondary question is, why will a smaller drain still fit my larger drain hole? The measurement of the drain is typically for the threaded part of the drain pipe, the part that actually has to fit through the hole in the sink. However, if you had a sink with a 1.25" hole, then only the 1.25" drain will work, the bigger drains will not fit. For example, if you have a sink with a drain hole of 1.75", than any of the drains 1.25", 1.5", or 1.65" will work. You need to select a drain that is the same size or SMALLER than the hole in your sink. There are three common drain sizes for bathroom sinks, 1.25", 1.5" and 1 5/8 (1.625"). What size drain do I need for my sink? Why does the lesser value still fit? Drains that have an overflow feature will line up with the overflow feature built into your sink, to allow the water to drain whether the top of the drain is closed or not. This overflow prevents overflowing of water. An overflow is in layman's terms the small hole or slit near the upper part of a sink basin or tub that allows water to drain automatically if the water reaches a certain level. If the sink you are using the drain with does not have an overflow hole, you will need to purchase a drain without overflow. If the sink you are using the drain with has an overflow hole in it, you will need to purchase a drain with overflow.

bathtub drain without overflow

Do I need a drain with or without overflow?

Bathtub drain without overflow